Monday, September 23, 2013

Shit I dig! Comics I read this week 9/23/2013.


Shit I dig! Comics I read this week 9/23/2013.
      My Beloved DC.  What is wrong with us.  Out of the seven books I read only two came from DC.  One of those being a Vertigo imprint title that got grandfathered in under Wildstorm... so I don't completely count that.  More nostalgia than any sense of loyalty, I have been a consumer of the DC Universe perhaps a moment before I discovered Marvel.  Like I discovered the Justice League of America before the Avengers.  The New Teen Titans was my team before I even cared about an Xmen.  The only oddity is Byrne's Fantastic Four.  It stands in a place all its own.  Point being I know more about and care more about DC lore than almost any other pop culture... "thing!"  So I wanna kinda sorta be down with this 52 thing.  I have even found a gem or two as I've stated before, but my hold box and take home tell the tale. 
    Me and Mrs. Marvel got a thang going on. 
 Two sets of event tie-ins, Cap impulse buy, Astro via Vertigo, and a LSH book picked because of the artist & yeah, nostalgia. 
7.  Avengers #19. Infinity tie-in
       Still not feelin' it.

    I never want to be that cat that continuously hates on a book.  Still I realize more than the Event I do not enjoy this title.  Yu's art is not my favorite.  Lot of beautiful poses but no acting.  Understanding the storyline better but it seems to add cosmic problem to cosmic problem.  And it grows at that Hickman pace that loses me right around now....  I do know I have missed stuff in this story arc by not paying close attention to the plot but it seems like everything that happened before this in the story was a device to get us to this story.  I like the New Universe stuff but... am... nodding.... offffffzzzzzzzz.   I do feel like I would gain some info by reading Guardians of the Galaxy.Hmmmm.
6.  Captain America #11
Artist Stalking, part one.

    Carlos Pacheco.  I been digging his work since he was doing a Marvel UK gig around the same time Bryan Hitch was coming out the box.  Both reminded me of Alan Davis with a different dynamism to them.  After Avengers Forever and  The JLA/JSA Virtue & Vice Hardcover I was hooked. He has moved from his old inker Jesus Merino and lost some texture and detail but his layouts are strong and his anatomy is always interesting.  I liked his Schism work and pick him up when I can.  Wasn't real interested in Cap's current adventures but, you know, the trades say great jumpin' on point so...
   Enjoyed it.  I like how Rick Remender writes and think I may follow this story arc.  Pacheco is inked by a legend, Klaus Janson, who is great at giving emotion to figure.  For me he made the old Frank Miller Daredevil stuff, not to mention the Dark Knight Returns. Can't believe Cap burned all his stuff, but a nice statement.
5.  Astro City #4
   Its all about perspective.

  I am a fan.  I mean quiet as its kept probably even a fanboy for certain comics.  Astro City is one of them.  I'mm glad its back and find Kurt Busiek an insightful writer.  This take on the multiverse of comics is always layered and thoughtful.  Brent Andersons pencils seem to have gotten looser and his inks have gotten darker and harsher.  His emotion and storytelling is still spot on.  A story told from the point of view of those with power who choose not to wear gaudy costumes and patrol the streets.  These Powers use their powers in their everyday life.  And they look out for each other.  Always great to see the fall of a villain destined for small things.  Another tour through Astro City is worth the trip. 
4.  Legion of Super-heroes #23
This is the END beautiful friend or Artist stalker, part two.
  I like Paul Levitz on Legion.  I jumped in and out of this cause it seemed to lack cohesion.  Something the LSH has been cursed with since Crisis on Infinite Earth.  Repeated approaches and iterations of the Legion have plagued the last twenty or so years of its contemporary existence.  Some great creators some great stories.  Seems once again DC throws in the towel and puts the title back on ice.     
  So I got it for that and I got it for Kevin Maguire on pencils.  Love his work and was excitedly looking forward to JLA 3000.  Then DC flipped again and fired him.  I read this was one of the gigs he was doing at the end.  Visually this book is a beautiful farewell.  Not knowing the plot points I was just excited to see old friends say goodbye...again.  Pure nostalgia.  Though it makes it harder to get a series when all you have is memories of great things.  Long Live the Legion!
3.  New Avengers #10.  Infinity tie-in.
  Another pause in the rising action...

  I will say it again New Avengers is follows the Made men of Marvel.  Another layer to this Infinity event Thanos is coming for his son...his SON!  And we got the builders coming, oh yeah and another Earth is hurtling towards our dimensional space...again.  Deodato art carries the story and I love the tension and distraction.  Don't like how Hank looks and feel like Dr. Strange is being treated like a Mitch but in the end we get back to the "Crisis" at the center of this story.  Still like the pacing. Like a slowly bowling unattended kettle.  Look forward to when it blows its top.  Just hope Hickman doesn't lose me.
2.  Uncanny X-men #12.  Battle of the Atom tie-in.
   Bendis & Bachalo
  I followed him over from the Avengers universe.  I even keep getting Avengers mostly because of him.  Now I have to say I am again an X-men fan because of Brian Bendis.  I have enjoyed this book and the cast of new characters.  Bendis teases us with a reminder of the scene that began this event and gives a nice character study of Scott Summers on the sneak.  Emma has become Summers best psychoanalyst.  A telepath, go figure.  Love Bachalo's designs in this issue.  A lot of talking turns into a nice education in using figure to great depth of space.  Not as crazy about the coloring but for a book filled with talking it moved visually.   Magneto makes a speech echoing Storm in X-men #5, while I am still waiting for the reveal that will turn this story on its side(keep following Illyana I'd guess) and move into high gear.  Looking forward to the upcoming conflict from Scott's exes.   
1.  X-men #5.  Battle of the Atom tie-in
I try to get out but you pull me right back in!

   I have to admit I only started collecting this series because Olivier Coipel (Artist Stalkin' part three) was the artist on the first story arc.  Enjoyed it but my pockets forced me to make a  choice on these X-family books and this book was a casualty.   Because of the Event I picked up this book and got a treat!  Woods take on this team's principle personae shined in spite of the guests of the event.  I realized how much I missed Rachel as a character and the importance of these characters very different and long relationships with each other.  I even enjoy Storm's organic community approach to leading.  She sets parameters but doesn't lose it when others think and decide for themselves. I like Lopez's art too.  The final page as young Scott and Jean pull up to Utopia to see grown Scott's X-men is poster worthy.  An visual moment in this time lost teams journey.  My favorite colorist is no slouch either.  Laura Martin uses coloring and subtle shading to add to the mood of the book.  I might have to keep getting this book after the Event is over. 
     So yeah Marvel is getting my money though I feel like I'm sleep-walking through Infinity.  And no Sigler I'm not hatin', I just realized after rereading the first two issues and the tie-ins that I'm not invested in the stakes 'cause they are a little nebulous and all about revelation for revelations sake.  But the drive is somewhere off in the distance to be explained if you endure all this other stuff.  I never finished Hickman's run on FF but I really liked how it started.  Because of that I feel like I'm missing something here.  We'll see.  

1 comment:

Marquelon Sigler said...

Haha, you knew, you already knew I was gonna comment! I would have switched the rankings for Avengers and Legion of Superheroes but other than that I agree with your choices