Been a minute but Tuesday is now Tellin' Stories Day. I have been very productive as i have dedicated myself to following a process to completion. So i have been working on a graphic novel for the last five years: Of Mythic Proportions: Extinction, and it has made connections throughout the shared universe of characters stories and ideas that have inhabited my brain since childhood. I won't explain the narrative behind this image but i will explain the process. and I'll post the final piece on Tuesday.
So my guidelines for this piece was four heroes and a great dragon. the dragon was being "erased" from existence by Elias Infinity in his earliest form(thus the khufi and no locks.). The idea came out of my current reading of The collected works of C G Jung Volume 9, Part 1: Archetypes and the Unconscious. Trying to understand the concepts of the Shadow, Anima and individuation is what this work represents.
So I had a sketch in my book as the composition. I then redrew the idea on a canvas sheet in pencil. At this stage i work out my object relationships and value relationships. The background is inspired by the strange comic energy backgrounds prevalent in the work of Jack Kirby and Walter Simonson. A representation of chaotic energy potential and the fractal nature of reality in my life and my stories.

Next I put down my background washes after redraw the work using washed out Dioxazine Purple and Hookers green Acrylic, cause i don't like using black except as an illustrative tool in painting. The sky is purple to set it back and the distant mountains are to be reminiscent of the southwest. I try to paint objects from background to foreground so that they overlap naturally.

Once I have a nice value painting i start moving in with local color. In this work i want the dragon to look like it is being erased so i use rubber cement to protect the surface of the painting from acrylic. Leaving these areas with less buildup. From there i just start painting the fun stuff.
More next week.
1 comment:
Holla at me if you ever wanna self-publish and market ya graphic novel and I'll point you to some resources. I found it really helpful and encouraging to have a a single bound mock-up made even while still completing the book.
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