Friday, October 25, 2013

Shit i dig! Comics I read this week 10/25/2013


7.  Fantomax MAX #1

What!? Me name drop?!


            Okay so I know the artist that drew this comic.  Shawn Crystal was in the Sequential Art MFA program at SCAD Savannah with me, and is currently a Professor of SA at SCAD ATL. Good memories.  Good artist.  That said I have to admit Fantomex is one of my least favorite Grant Morrison creations.  I also have not followed his activities in the Marvel world up until his current antics in Uncanny X-Force, I like the movement of his characters in this but the use of zip tones distracts from the art.  And the women are drawn very gratuitously… but it is a MAX book.  The story didn’t hold me.  Lot of unnecessary cursing and EVA is out of control.  I’m lost with what is going on as there is really no setup for the violence that occurs by Agent Fleming’s fellow agents.  I’ll check out issue two at BAM but, it is nice to see folks from SCAD making good. 


6.  All New X-men Special #1  The Arms of the Octopus part 1.


But… what about Battle of the Atom?


            Hurm.  I’m not following this Superior Spiderman story and am pissed at how nobody is realing how much of a dick Spidey is being and not calling him on it.  I think this story came out a little too early but I hope it leads to Petey coming back.  Otherwise the writer gave young Hank a nice voice.I won’t be getting the rest of this story.  Not my cup of tea. 


5.  Uncanny X-men #8 Battle of the Atom tie-in part 8.

Too many inkers…


            So the true colors came out in part 7 and everybody’s scrapping.  Visually this was a confusing issue.  This might be attributed to the five different inkers working on Bachalo’s pencils which lacked the interesting layouts he normally has.  Looked rushed. Seemed to be battle filler My least favorite issue of the event so far.  Ready to get to the end.  Man time is really effed up in the Marvel U.  Interesting.


4.  X-men #7 Battle of the Atom tie-in part 7.


Really?  Miss Grey…oh Brubaker.


            Nice issue.  Wolverine gets gutted by another crazy product of his loins(and mystique eveidently.)  and present time Xmen keep getting hurt and sitting out of fights for long periods of time(wolverine and Bling for example.)  The betrayal goes down and we start to see this Brotherhood of Mutants from the future’s real side.  Ready for the big brouhaha to come.  Nice art though I hate that Lopez doesn’t draw faces in his smallest panels.  It is weird.  Love Shogo.


3.  New Avengers #11 Infinity tie-in.


So when are these guys REALLY gonna destroy another Earth.


            Jumped off the Infinity wagon and missed issues 3 and 4 of the event title.  Still I’m glad this issue connected some of the stuff the Builders were doing with what the Illuminati are dealing.  Hate to see Wakanda getting attacked…again but what can you do.  Nice to see Doc Strange got that thing taken out of his head.  He’s really been a empty spot in this series.  I don’t think Hickman knows what to do with him.  I am digging Thanos in this story arc though.  He finds the fellas clubhouse and some of their toys and is impressed.  Scary.  Striking resolution to the Illuminati’s problem is offered by the other-dimensional Builders.  I hope after this Infinity thing we can start seeing what the boys can to do be heroes and get to the bottom of this problem instead of just reacting to its symptoms.  Nice art by Deodato.


2.  Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #30 Disassembled tie-in


More artist stalking.


            One of my favorite reads from Matt Fraction’s run on Iron man was the Annual featuring the Mandarin.  I even reviewed it a couple years back.  The artist on that issue was Carmine Di Giandomenico and I fell in love with his art.  His style is very angular and detailed and fluid.  The Ultimate world is falling apart and the Ultimates are a mess.  I left following the Ultimate Universe after the terrible Ultimatum event.  I got this for the artist and was intrigued.  I’ll have to go back and get some of the Ultimates in trade.  Everything is different and all the “good guys” are fighting each other.  And more of the time problems pop up here. Hmmmmm.  And the infinity gems of this reality are destroyed. Hmmmm.  And Galactus is coming.  While I had no idea how any of the characters got here I enjoyed it thoroughly, even in my confusion. Strong fun moments: Thor getting Mjolnir and his harness back. Hercules and Frank Castle facing thousands of evil Herbietrons. And the one word form the other end of Space a single message is sent.  Hunger.  A lot of different stuff happened in the Ultimate Universe and I’m curious.


1.  Captain America #12

Our Boys! Our Boys!!


            Born Again.  Miller and Mazzuchelli’s beautiful and redemptive Daredevil story has a special place in my heart.  One character I loved from the end of the arc was Nuke.  The crazed Super Soldier that just needed a Red to get at his enemies.  Carlos Pacheco with the powerful inks of Klaus Janson delivers a nice rendition of the confused Super- Soldier, Pacheco has been real sparse with his pencils lately so Janson gives him a lot more shape and texture.  Because of the previous story arc Cap is again a man out of time.  Very interested in where Remender takes this. Always nice to see the Falcon Cap friendship.

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